Sri Lanka for Diplomatic and Official Visits ETA

Sri Lanka has become a key destination for diplomatic and official visits, welcoming delegations worldwide. Sri Lanka offers a streamlined visa process specifically designed for these important travellers and their needs.

This guide delves into the details of obtaining a Diplomatic and Official Visits Visa for Sri Lanka, providing valuable information on eligibility, application procedures, and the benefits associated with this visa type.

What is the Diplomatic and Official Visit Visa?

A Diplomatic and Official Visit Visa is designated for individuals travelling on government-related duties. This includes diplomats and officials attending events like conferences or meetings. Recipients often enjoy privileges such as quicker immigration procedures and exemptions from standard visa requirements. The benefits and conditions depend on the host country's laws and international agreements.

Who Qualifies for a Diplomatic and Official Visits Visa?

This visa category caters to the following:

  • Diplomats: Ambassadors, consuls, and other embassy staff on official assignments.
  • Government Officials: Representatives from foreign governments visit Sri Lanka for official meetings, conferences, or projects.
  • Representatives of International Organizations: Individuals working for international organisations like the UN or NGOs on official business in Sri Lanka.

Visa Validity Periods for Diplomatic, Official, and Ordinary Passports by Country

Diplomatic and Official/Service passport holders from specific countries do not need to pay the e-visa processing fee or follow the e-visa procedures for their official and personal visits to Sri Lanka. Additionally, these countries provide visas for visitors upon arrival in Sri Lanka for their passport holders.


Type of Passport

Visa Validity


Diplomatic, Special

Up to 90 days within a 180-day period from first entry


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official, Service

90 Days


Diplomatic, Service / Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

90 Days

China (PRC)

Diplomatic, Official, Service, Public Affairs

30 Days



90 Days


Diplomatic, Official / Service

Up to 90 days within a 180-day period

Hong Kong (SAR)

HKSAR Valid Passport Holders

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official, Service

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official, Service

30 Days


Diplomatic, Service

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official, Ordinary

Visa fee exemption for up to 90 days


Diplomatic, Official, Service

30 Days


Diplomatic, Special, or Service

Up to 90 days within a 180-day period from first entry


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

30 Days


Diplomatic and Special

Up to 30 days



Up to 90 days within a 180-day period


Diplomatic, Official, Service

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official, Ordinary

60 days per visit, cumulative 90 days annually


Diplomatic, Official, Ordinary

30 Days


Diplomatic, Official

90 Days


Diplomatic, Service or Official

Up to 30 days within a 60-day period


Diplomatic, Official

90 Days

Eligibility Criteria of Sri Lanka Visa for Diplomatic and Official Visits

To be eligible for a Sri Lanka Visa for diplomatic and official visits, applicants must meet specific criteria, including:

  • Diplomatic or Official Purpose: This Visa is for individuals travelling to Sri Lanka for diplomatic or official purposes, such as government representatives, diplomats, and official delegations.
  • Valid Passport: Applicants must possess a proper passport from an eligible country with a minimum validity period specified by Sri Lankan immigration authorities.
  • Purpose of Visit: Applicants must provide detailed information about the purpose of their visit, including official invitations, conference agendas, or diplomatic mission details.

Required Documents of Sri Lanka Visa for Diplomatic and Official Visits

Applicants for a Sri Lanka Visa for diplomatic and official visits must submit the following documents:

  • Valid Passport: One that has reached the minimum duration required by Sri Lankan immigration authorities.
  • Official Invitation: A formal invitation letter from the Sri Lankan government or relevant authorities specifying the purpose and duration of the visit.
  • Supporting Documents: Depending on the nature of the visit, additional documents such as conference agendas, diplomatic mission details, or official correspondence may be required.

Application Process for Sri Lanka Visa for Diplomatic and Official Visits

  • Gather Required Documents:
    • Diplomatic/Official Passport: Ensure it is valid for at least 6 months beyond your stay.
    • Note Verbale or Diplomatic Note: A formal request letter from your embassy or organisation.
    • Two Passport-Sized Photographs: Must meet Sri Lankan specifications.

  • Submit Your Application:
    • Through Sri Lankan Diplomatic Missions: Your embassy in Sri Lanka can handle your application.
    • Via the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Sri Lanka: Direct submissions by government ministries or international organisations.

  • Processing Time: Applications are usually processed quickly due to their priority status.
  • There are no fees for diplomatic/official passport holders.
  • Potential Interview: In some cases, you might be called for an interview at the embassy or consulate to discuss your visit and verify your travel purpose.
  • Visa Issuance: Your Diplomatic or Official Visa will be affixed to your passport upon approval.

Important Reminders:

  • Lead Time is Essential: Processing times can vary considerably. Apply well in advance of your trip (typically several days). Consult the embassy or consulate for specific timelines.
  • Double-Check Requirements: Always verify the exact requirements with your home country's Sri Lankan embassy or consulate. Regulations and document needs can change.
  • Specific Entry Rules: Diplomatic and Official Visas might have particular entry requirements or limitations compared to regular visas (e.g., reporting to authorities upon arrival). Confirm these details with the embassy or consulate.

Processing Times for Diplomatic and Official Visits Visas

Expectations for Processing

  • Faster Processing: Due to the nature of the visits, these visa applications are typically prioritised over regular tourist visas (usually a few business days), ensuring quicker handling.
  • Variable Timeframes: The exact processing time is not fixed and can vary based on:
    • Present Workload: The volume of applications processed by Sri Lanka's Department of Immigration and Emigration.
    • Application Completeness: Accurate and complete submissions of required documents can speed up the process.
    • Bilateral Agreements: Agreements between Sri Lanka and your home country may affect how quickly your application is processed.

Tips to Expedite Your Application

  • Double-check Requirements: Ensure all documents, including your diplomatic passport, note verbale, and photos, are correctly formatted and complete.
  • Proper Submission Channels: To avoid delays, use the appropriate channels, such as your embassy in Sri Lanka or directly through the Sri Lankan Department of Immigration and Emigration.

Fees and Additional Information

Visa Fees

  • No Application Fees: Diplomatic and official passport holders are generally exempt from visa application fees, offering a cost advantage over standard tourist visas.
  • Third-Party Service Fees: While the visa has no fee, there might be charges associated with any third-party services you utilise to assist with the application process. These could be fees from agencies or consultants helping you gather documents or navigate the application.

Additional Considerations

  • Third-party Fees: While the visa may not have a fee, services used to assist with the application process might incur costs.
  • Stay Updated: Always verify the latest information regarding processing times and application procedures with your embassy or the Sri Lankan Department of Immigration and Emigration.

Benefits of Obtaining a Diplomatic and Official Visits Visa

Holding Diplomatic and Official Visits, Visa streamlines your entry into Sri Lanka and grants you several advantages:

  • Hassle-Free Entry: Skip the regular visa application queues and enjoy a smoother arrival process.
  • Gratis Visa (Free of Charge): This visa is issued free of charge to diplomatic and official passport holders, eliminating visa application fees.
  • Multiple Entries (Optional): Depending on the agreement between your home country and Sri Lanka, your visa might allow for multiple entries during its validity period.

Tips for a Smooth Application

To ensure a smooth application process for a Sri Lanka Visa for diplomatic and official visits, consider the following tips:

  • Give Accurate Information: To prevent delays or rejections, double-check all of the information you enter in the application form.
  • Submit Required Documents: Ensure all required documents are uploaded correctly and meet the specified criteria.
  • Plan Ahead: Apply well in advance of the dates you intend to travel to ensure adequate visa processing time.
  • Keep Communication Open: Monitor the progress of your application and reply as soon as you hear from Sri Lankan immigration officials.
  • Seek Assistance if Needed: If you encounter difficulties during the application process, don't hesitate to seek assistance from the Sri Lankan Visa support team or relevant authorities.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While applying for a Sri Lanka Visa for diplomatic and official visits, be mindful of the following common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Incomplete Documentation: Ensure all necessary documents are submitted, and accurate information is provided to prevent application rejection or delays.
  • Last-Minute Applications: Applying for the Visa too close to your travel date may not leave sufficient time for processing, resulting in travel disruptions.
  • Ignoring Communication: Neglecting to check email notifications or failing to respond to queries from immigration authorities can result in processing delays or application rejection.
  • Misrepresentation:Inaccurate or deceptive information submitted with the application may result in serious repercussions, such as the denial of a visa and limitations on future travel.
  • Overstaying Visa Validity: To avoid penalties or legal issues, ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of your Sri Lanka Visa, including the permitted duration of your stay.


In conclusion, the Sri Lanka Visa for diplomatic and official visits offers a convenient and efficient way for eligible travellers to obtain entry permission to the country. Knowing the prerequisites and the application procedure, candidates can easily navigate the process if they have the required papers and can make the most of their diplomatic or official visits to Sri Lanka.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need a visa, not an ETA, for diplomatic or official visits.

Diplomatic/Official Sri Lankan visas likely involve some online resources but require physical submission through embassies or Sri Lankan immigration (depending on your situation).

If you need assistance, your country's Sri Lankan embassy or consulate is the best place to go.

* Please be advised that a Tourist or business e-visa cannot be converted into a Residence visa under any conditions.